Monday, November 30, 2009

Can a Real Estate Agent make up a new house Deed?

I live in the city of Philadelphia. The Deed to my house still has my deceased husband's name listed as an owner, along with my name. I would like to have his name removed as an owner and have my Daughter's name added on the house Deed, so my house can go to her, just in case something should happen to me. Can a Real Estate Agent do that and, if not, who can I go to, to have this done and how much would it cost?Can a Real Estate Agent make up a new house Deed?
You can do that yourself. Go to probate court with a certified copy of his death certificate and ask them to help you. Have your names listed ';with right of survivorship'; is PA allows that. It will help her later on.Can a Real Estate Agent make up a new house Deed?
Generally a real estate agent cannot make up a new deed, it mostly depends on what state you live in.

In most cases a Title or escrow company can take care of that for you. An attorney could also, but that would probably cost you too much.
An attorney can construct a new deed for you, or a Real Estate Escrow company can construct a new deed for you and file it with the county recorder.
You should go to an real estate attorney. Shouldn't cost much. Probably do a quitclaim from you to your daughter and you.
I would see a lawyer. Usually it's around $50 just to ask questions for about a half hour. They may give you a price over the phone.

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